Sunday, February 21, 2010


Last Saturday, we went to Kincaid Park in Anchorage to join in a BP-arranged social event. We all met at the top of a snow/ice-covered hill for an afternoon's team racing down to the bottom.

Using cycle helmets and borrowed sledges we bravely launched down the hill in 1's, 2's and 4's. It was a bit bumpy as the soft snow has turned to ice in the recent thawing conditions and I was looking round for anyone who had a sledge with sprung suspension.

The final part of the descent was a hidden dip which you fly over in your sled and land with a bump, hopefully still the right way up. I think the proper Olympic term is a 'big air' and it was a surprise for all of us as you could not see it from the top of the hill.

Here is a wider shot from the top of the hill, with the Knik Arm in the background, joining the Turnagain Arm on the left. The guys in the armchair sled on the left of the shot were representing New Zealand, as you can see. They had a good idea to soften the ride on the hardened snow, but had a few stability problems!

Overall, a good time was had by all. Next week, it is downhill skiing at Girdwood. We are still wondering whether we are up to it, as staying upright takes on a whole new meaning when there is a slope involved. We really need to learn how to stop without:
a. Hitting anything.
b. Falling over.
These are skills that look easy when you watch the activities from Vancouver, but, let me tell you, they are not, and I have the bruises to prove it!

More next week.

Alan and Sylvia

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