Sunday, February 7, 2010

Our new Accommodation

BP is having an economy drive and we have been asked to move to cheaper accommodation. We looked at a place today which will save the company some money. It is:
The Yurt
Eagle River Nature Center
The place has a stove, two bunk beds, and a couple of chairs, so is very comfortable. It even has a guest suite with all the modern conveniences - well actually only one convenience and it isn't very modern. At least you don't have to venture outside if you need to go in the middle of the night.

Just kidding! This is actually a rentable overnight camping shelter in the Nature Reserve where hardy souls can stay overnight as part of their trekking expedition. The dunny is a bit basic, being a 10 inch hole in a board, set over a waste container on wheels. Now I know why they call them 'dumpsters'.

We went to this park with the Couples Ski Group, who go out regularly on a ski or hike and then finish up at someone's house for dinner. Today was Eagle River, with a Superbowl party to follow.

This is the hiking group about to move off, and here is the ski group.

The scenery was spectacular, as you can see from the next pic.
We walked for 2 hours and were exhausted at the end, although the dogs were only just warming up. We then went back for the big game.

The Superbowl is the final game between the American champions and the National Champions. These are the 2 leagues that play American football. The occasion is like our FA Cup Final day but even bigger. Everyone in the group was rooting for St Louis, who were the underdogs and whose stadium was used as a refuge for Hurricane Katrina victims only 3 years ago. They have rebuilt the team and the stadium and have done really well. We learnt a lot about the complexities of the game - many of the wives were experts and pundits, as well as the men.

7 Feb 2010

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